The making of My Personal Support Bot
Sat Oct 27, 2018 · 364 words

Its 3am and I really feel sleepy right now.


I’ve been always impressed by J.A.R.V.I.S in Iron Man movies. But please dont get me wrong. Currently Im not good enough to build such an intelligent bot like that. I just want a simple bot which do some simple daily tasks for me. Because its gonna be fun isnt it?

The first function(2018-10-27)

The purpose

Im currently working far from my family (Im in Japan and my family back in VietNam).

I have a carring mother who always care about me. And I love her so much that I dont want her to worry about me all day long. The thing is my mum always care about the time I arrive home when I finish my job, that I have to text her around 10pm~ everyday just to let her know that Im home (even when I still be in the train or still working at that moment)

Sometimes I forgot to text her, which make she really worry. Okay. Let’s build an automatic sending message bot to send my mum messages.

This gonna be nodejs server side application By the way me and my mum using an application called Zalo to send message. So first thing first. I gotta find the Zalo API

Bingo :

Lets do this.

First Trouble: (5am in the morning)

Seem like I need to regist an application in zalo and then request my mum to use that app in order to send messages to her. And that not really the things I want. Now Im waiting my mum to accept my app’s request in order to test sending message. Damn… Maybe I should do something else meantime.

Updated: 4pm: My mum clicked on the app request link I sent here before but nothing happened. I tried again but still doesnt work. Maybe zalo api is not really good.. I will skip this. By the way I still keeping the source code here just in case:

The second function (2018-10-28)

The purpose

Im using Spotify to listen to music while im working. Im thinking about using Spotify API to make my own music player on the chatbot.

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